...and back again
On February 17, T and I left for Central America - El Salvador to be exact - and 8 days with his family in sunny and warm weather! Sure beats MD in February!
We did a lot of this:
And a little of this:
We came back to the States with my MIL, who stayed for 2 weeks. So some sightseeing was definitely in order. We had to find some "fake" snow at a nearby ski resort, since we didn't have the real stuff.
And of course, sightseeing in DC:
She went home, and then I needed a week to recover and get my house and my work back in order....but I'm back and will be going for the blog full force. I decided I wasn't too pleased with my server (?) - trouble uploading pictures among other things. Since I've seen ALOT of nice blogs coming from people using blogger, I thought I'd give it a shot. Of course, I'm lacking the appropriate knowledge to transfer my old posts properly, so I just copy/pasted and here they are. I still need to go back and put in the pictures again. So....blog in progress.
And knitting in progress too. The Eris hasn't moved (I'm getting into spring mode, what can I say?). The first pair of jaywalkers are done and another pair is on the way (pics to come soon!). In the meantime, I've picked out some yarn for my Sockapaloooza socks, but I'm not sure I like it (well, I do, but will my pal?), so I'm going out to my former LYS in VA on Saturday. We'll see what I find!
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