Brown Eyes Knits

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

An outlet

If anyone is out there reading this blog you'll notice there it's a gap of several years between the start and the current set of posts. I clearly did not make much of an attempt to keep up with blogging, partly due to not turning on my personal computer very frequently. I spend all day in front of a computer at work, so turning one on at night just didn't appeal. But now that I have a smart phone (HTC Evo rocks!), and I've discovered the blogger app, I've decided to give it another go. I expect the majority of my posts will be from my cell phone... As a working mother of 2 children (now), I feel like I need an outlet to write a little bit about my kids, my life, my knitting. I tried twitter, but 140 characters isn't quite enough. So my goal is to try blogging again, and to post at least once a week, though I guess more than once a month would be an accomplishment!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Time out for knitting

"moooooommmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" screams my son. "i want to be done with time out!"  He's 3, so even a minute feels like an eternity to him. I can't help but wish that _I_ could go to time out sometimes - I wouldn't scream; I would knit.

WIP: backstage cardigan in madeline tosh tmdk

Thursday, February 03, 2011


